Miller MightEvac Self Retracting Lifeline

Cost :$0


  • Maker: Honeywell Safety
  • Sale: National currency
  • Availability : On request
  • Unit : Kit
  • Maker Maker Honeywell Safety
  • Sale Sale National currency
  • Availability Availability On request
  • Unit Unit Kit


  • Maker: Honeywell Safety
  • Sale: National currency
  • Availability : On request
  • Unit : Kit


With emergency extractor

The Miller MightEvac combines the performance and reliability of the best-selling MightyLite series of self-retracting lifelines with a quick-activated retrieval mechanism for emergency evacuation.


20% lighter than competitive models provides significant long-term savings and lower cost of ownership.


Its durable design is built with corrosion resistant aluminum and stainless steel components to provide a longer life cycle.

Complete kits for confined spaces available.