Cost :$0


  • Maker: SKOLD MEXICO S.A. DE C.V.
  • Sale: National currency
  • Availability : On request
  • Unit : Kit
  • Maker Maker SKOLD MEXICO S.A. DE C.V.
  • Sale Sale National currency
  • Availability Availability On request
  • Unit Unit Kit


  • Maker: SKOLD MEXICO S.A. DE C.V.
  • Sale: National currency
  • Availability : On request
  • Unit : Kit


• SKÖLD fire fighting suits have been designed to meet the demanding conditions that firefighters face every day.

• Our fabrics exceed the requirements of NFPA 2013 for which they have heat resistance in cases of explosion as well as excellent resistance to abrasion, cuts and tears.

• Its design offers the greatest security, as well as comfort and perfect mobility for the user within the suit for fire fighting and rescue work. Our suit meets and exceeds the mechanical, physical and chemical properties requested by Regulations.